My Marriage is Worth the Investment

5.00 out of 5


This couple has accumulated a wealth of knowledge that they can show to others after twenty years of togetherness as a POWER COUPLE. Their book encourages couples to talk about the type of marriage they wish to have as well as provide techniques to help them achieve their goal. This book is assuring to couples who want to build as well as sustain a caring and long-lasting partnership. Christopher and Cynthia Felder share their very own personal stories, in addition to tools that have helped them along their paths. Their marriage has had its ups and downs throughout the years, as do most unions. They’ve developed techniques that have helped them preserve and keep their lines of communication open and respond to problems as they arise throughout the years. The book is composed in a style that allows readers to assess their own marital relationship, take notes, and plan a well-thought-out experience with their partner. Whether you’re a newlywed couple that is just beginning, or you have been married for a while and you want your marriage to last longer and be the best it can be, Between The Words of Love will certainly help you get going. 


Christopher & Cynthia want to share the beauty of marriage and encourage couples to speak life into their marriage. Some may think that their spark is gone, and others may need help to cultivate their new love by using words of affirmations.

They hope that this book will teach couples how to properly communicate and how to enhance their romantic relationship with their partner.

When issues or challenges emerge in a marriage, Christopher & Cynthia says you must practice positive thinking and self-empowerment so that you are prepared to overcome any obstacle that you may face.

The goal is to bring back showing your partner their importance in your life, how they’re distinct from others, and how you care

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Christopher & Cynthia D. Felder



1 review for My Marriage is Worth the Investment

  1. 5 out of 5

    Excellent Book This book brings positive thinking to my mind. Keep up the good work 😀

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